Some Tips to Design Your Custom Logo Mat


Logo floor mats are becoming a very popular promotional tool for companies. These custom entrance mats will display the company’s brand image and provide information about your business to all who see them.

If these mat designs can be chosen with care, they can make a stunning statement and fulfill both functional and aesthetic goals. We will now discuss some tips for choosing the right custom logo door mats to suit your company.

  • Think about the shape of your company’s logo

There are many floor mats available in different sizes and shapes. Your business type may dictate the size or shape of the mat you choose. The most common mat shapes are:


Your logo should be chosen to match the shape of the floormat you have chosen.

  • Use consistent color schemes

For your target audience, you can experiment with different color schemes. Consider the dominant color in your logo and the color scheme you choose for your mat.

It is important to remember that mats with contrasting colors will attract maximum attention from visitors.

  • Make your logo look simpler with

KISS is the most important principle to follow when designing any advertisement. KISS stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid! No matter what subject matter you put in your logo, it should be clear and concise so that anyone can understand the message.

  • Choose the right type of orientation

When you are buying a custom-made doormat, it is important to decide whether the design will be displayed in landscape (horizontal), or portrait (vertical). Before you can decide the orientation of your logo, consider where it will be used in your office.

The best way to print horizontally is with logo mats placed near wide entranceways. For portrait orientation, however, mats that lead to any hallway are better.

  • Keep it clean

As we have already mentioned, the more complex your logo mat design is, the less effective it will be. Two reasons are why simplicity in design is so important:

Simpler designs will be easier to read and more concise.

Your mat will be placed on the floor, so visitors who pass by your mat will not have much time to notice your design or slogan.

  • Look for quality

It is not enough to create a great design. A high quality mat will give you the best results for your logo mat. The basic function of a mat is what makes them useful. These logo mats can also be used for marketing and advertising.

Your logo mat should have an inspiring message that people will remember for a long time.