How To Sell Your Music on Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, and more


As a musician, getting ways of monetizing your site can be a good thing for your career and wallet for obvious reasons. Remember that there are quite a number of ways to do so, and you need to take advantage of each and every one of them for your own sake. Besides the obvious ones such as selling DVDs and performing in entertainment joints or during events, you can also sell music online. How do you go about this money-making endeavor? Continue reading to find out as we unveil how to sell your music on Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, among other platforms.

  1. Put it on the respective music download sites

This is a wise move because it means working with a site you can trust. These digital retailers allow you to post your music on their sites. Once you do so, people interested in buying music visit the websites, browse various music, and buy it right away if yours interests them. For every download, there is a fee that the user pays, and a certain percentage goes to the artist. If you sell your music on Amazon, you can expect to get more money for your song than if you choose to go for an intermediary. The same case applies once you put your music on iTunes. However, you better be ready to do some work, including uploading your music, not forgetting to follow the guidelines to the letter.

  1. Settling for Streaming Platforms instead

The popularity of streaming platforms keeps increasing, and as an artist, you can take advantage of this fast-growing audience. All you have to do is get your music on Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music, among other music streaming platforms. The amount of money you get from it might be small, but the high population could translate to more money at the end of the day. You can easily do it yourself with much ease, and that’s something worth trying out for more bucks.

  1. Choosing a Third-Party

Yes, this means not going to the various sites directly. All you need to do is identify a site that sells music on Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify, among other downloading sites and streaming platforms on behalf of artists. Remember that the list of such sites is quite long, and you better choose wisely or regret it in the long run. Once you identify the best, go ahead and create an account with them. Upload your music and let them do the rest. They will be in charge of ensuring that your music meets the requirements of various sites before posting them on those platforms. It is not for free, but you can rest assured that it is worth the trouble. You get to manage the songs on the different sites from a single platform, saving you time and effort. You don’t do much other than uploading your music as well and then wait for your payment.


Selling music online can be rewarding to any artist out there. All you need is to find a way to do so. Now that you have the means, why don’t you go ahead and put them into use? It will help for sure.